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Copernicus mentoring for the European Commission

The European Commission, in the frame of the H2020 programme, has re-appointed Simon Chambers, for the fourth consecutive year as a business mentor to help create innovation in the Earth Observation sector (safety, environment, transport and climate).

Private companies, equipped with an EO application idea, will benefit from business process mentoring in order to get their service to market as soon as possible.

SME from all over Europe are eligible for this support in order to foster innovation and create new opportunities in this exciting market. Have a look

Simon Chambers is also a certified coaching for another EC programme, the H2020 SME Instrument and has performed over 20 assignments for private companies in Europe.

First SME Instrument Phase 2 in the region

Axsysnav is pleased to announce that the European Commission has accepted a proposal written for a client, to obtain Phase 2 funding in the frame of a H2020 SME Instrument.

The proposal was retained by the EC in the face of fierce competition – in fact it is the first Phase 2 project ever obtained in the region.

The project is based in the healthcare and space sectors and will provide societal and economic impact in Europe, starting 2017.

Contact Axsysnav if you are interested in being a candidate for the SME Instrument of H2020.

EU Innovation Performance

News from the EU: Sweden has confirmed its innovation leadership. It is followed by Denmark, Finland, and Germany as European Innovation Leaders. Compared to 2014, innovation performance has increased in 15 EU countries, while it declined in 13 others. Axsysnav is helping southern European states redress the north-south divide in the frame of H2020.


H2020 SME Instrument: business coaching

Axsysnav has been providing business coaching and mentoring services in the frame of the H2020 programme entitled “SME Instrument”. The coaching is free-of-charge for successful applicants of the SME Instrument Phase 1 or Phase 2. The services are performed in both French and English languages and include:

o strategic planning;

o leadership and organisational development;

o new product development, market development and internationalisation strategy;

o innovation management;

o IPR and IA;

o financial management and investor readiness;

o business improvement (processes and operational capability);

If your company wishes to benefit from these services, get in touch!